Updated on November 19, 2020    

Technical Scientist

Mitsutaka Kadota, Ph.D.

Email: mitsutaka.kadota (at) riken.jp


PeriodDegrees and Appointments
1992 - 1996School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan (B.Sc. in March 1996)
1996 - 1998Master degree program, Department of Molecular and Cell Genetics, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan (M.Sc.. in March 1998)
1998 - 2003Doctoral course, Division of Molecular and Cell Genetics, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan (Ph.D. in March 2003; supervisor, Prof. Mitsuo Oshimura)
1997 - 1998Research Assistant, Mishima Institute for Dermatological Research, Kobe, Japan
2003Research Assistant, Department of Human Genome Science (Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd.), Graduate School of Medical Science, Tottori University, Japan
2003 - 2008Visiting Fellow, Laboratory of Population Genetics, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA
2008 - 2011Research Fellow, Laboratory of Population Genetics, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA
2012 - 2016Research Scientist, Genome Resource and Analysis Unit, Center for Developmental Biology (CDB), RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
2016 - 2018Senior Technical Scientist, Phyloinformatics Unit, Center for Life Science Technologies (CLST), RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
2018 - Technical Scientist, Laboratory for Phyloinformatics, Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR), RIKEN, Kobe, Japan

  Original papers
Aburatani, N., Takagi, W., Wong, M.K., Kadota, M., Kuraku, S., Tokunaga, K., Kofuji, K., Saito, K., Good, W., Sakamoto, T., Hyodo, S.
Facilitated NaCl uptake in the highly developed bundle of the nephron in Japanese red stingray Hemitrygon akajei revealed by comparative anatomy and molecular mapping.

Zoolog. Sci. 2020, 37(5), 458-466.
Kusakabe, R., Higuchi, S., Tanaka, M., Kadota, M., Nishimura, O., Kuratani, S.
Novel developmental bases for the evolution of hypobranchial muscles in vertebrates.

BMC Biol. 2020, 18(1):120.
Kadota, M., Yamaguchi, K., Hara, Y., Kuraku, S.
Early vertebrate origin of CTCFL, a CTCF paralog, revealed by proximity-guided shark genome scaffolding.

Sci. Rep. 2020, 10(1):14629.
Okina, Y., Sato-Matsubara, M., Matsubara, T., Daikoku, A., Longato, L., Rombouts, K., Thanh, Thuy, L.T., Ichikawa, H., Minamiyama, Y., Kadota, M., Fujii, H., Enomoto, M., Ikeda, K., Yoshizato, K., Pinzani, M., Kawada, N.
TGF-β-driven reduction of cytoglobin leads to oxidative DNA damage in stellate cells during non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

J. Hepatol. 2020, S0168-8278(20)30228-2
Kadota, M., Nishimura, O., Miura, H., Tanaka, K., Hiratani, I., Kuraku, S.
Multifaceted Hi-C benchmarking: what makes a difference in chromosome-scale genome scaffolding?

Gigascience. 2020, 9(1). pii: giz158.
Mito, M., Kadota, M., Nakagawa, S., Iwasaki, S.
TChIP-seq: Cell-type specific epigenome profiling.

J. Vis. Exp. 2019, 143
Hara, Y., Yamaguchi, K., Onimaru, K., Kadota, M., Koyanagi, M., Keeley, S.D., Tatsumi, K., Tanaka, K., Motone, F., Kageyama, Y., Nozu, R., Adachi, N., Nishimura, O., Nakagawa, R., Tanegashima, C., Kiyatake, I., Matsumoto, R., Murakumo, K., Nishida, K., Terakita, A., Kuratani, S., Sato, K., Hyodo, S., Kuraku, S.
Shark genomes provide insights into elasmobranch evolution and the origin of vertebrates.

Nat Ecol Evol. 2018, 2(11), pp 1761-1771
Tanegashima, C., Nishimura, O., Motone, F., Tatsumi, K., Kadota, M., Kuraku, S.
Embryonic transcriptome sequencing of the ocellate spot skate Okamejei kenojei.
Sci. Data
2018, 5, 180200
Nabeshima, R., Nishimura, O., Maeda, T., Shimizu, N., Ide, T., Yashiro, K., Sakai, Y., Meno, C., Kadota, M., Shiratori, H., Kuraku, S., Hamada, H.
Loss of Fam60a, a Sin3a subunit, results in embryonic lethality and is associated with aberrant methylation at a subset of gene promoters.
2018, 7, e36435
Mito, M., Kadota, M., Tanaka, K., Furuta, Y., Abe, K., Iwasaki, S., Nakagawa, S.
Cell type-specific survey of epigenetic modifications by tandem chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing.
Sci. Rep.
2018, 8(1), 1143
Kadota, M., Hara, Y., Tanaka, K., Takagi, W., Tanegashima, C., Nishimura, O., Kuraku, S.
CTCF binding landscape in jawless fish with reference to Hox cluster evolution.
Sci. Rep.
2017, 7(1), 4957
Okashita, N., Suwa, Y., Nishimura, O., Sakashita, N., Kadota, M., Nagamatsu, G., Kashida, H., Nakajima, A., Tachibana, M., Seki, Y.
PRDM14 drives oct3/4 recruitment via active demethylation in the transition from primed to naïve pluripotency.
Stem Cell Reports
2016, 7(6), pp 1072-1086
Hu, N., Kadota, M., Liu, H., Abnet, C.C., Su, H., Wu, H., Freedman, N.D., Yang, H.H., Wang, C., Yan, C., Wang, L., Gere, S., Hutchinson, A., Song, G., Wang, Y, Ding, T., Qiao, Y.L., Koshiol, J., Dawsey, S.M., Giffen, C., Goldstein, A.M., Taylor, P.R., Lee, M.P.
Genomic landscape of somatic alterations in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and gastric cancer.
Cancer Res. 76(7): 1714-1723, 2016
Bae, E., Sato, M., Kim, R.J., Kwak, M.K., Naka, K., Gim, J., Kadota, M., Tang, B., Flanders, K.C., Kim, T.A., Leem, S.H., Park, T., Lie, F., Wakefield, L.M., Kim, S.J., Ooshima, A.
Definition of smad3 phosphorylation events that affect malignant and metastatic behaviors in breast cancer cells.
Cancer Res. 74(21): 6139-6149, 2014
Sato, M., Kadota, M., Tang, B., Yang, H.H., Yang, Y.A., Shan, M., Weng, J., Welsh, M.A., Flanders, K.C., Nagano, Y., Michalowski, A.M., Clifford, R.J., Lee, M.P., Wakefield, L.M.
An integrated genomic approach identifies persistent tumor suppressive effects of transforming growth factor-beta in human breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Res. 16(3): R57, 2014
Adachi, K., Nikaido, I., Ohta, H., Ohtsuka, S., Ura, H., Kadota, M., Wakayama, T., Ueda, H.R., Niwa, H.
Context-dependent wiring of Sox2 regulatory networks for self-renewal of embryonic and trophoblast stem cells.
Mol. Cell 52(3): 380-392, 2010
Kadota, M., Yang, H.H., Gomez, B., Sato, M., Clifford, R.J.,  Meerzaman, D., Dunn, B.K., Wakefield, L.M., Lee, M.P.
Delineating genetic alterations for tumor progression in the MCF10A series of breast cancer cell lines.
PLoS One 5(2): e9201, 2010
Kadota, M., Sato, M., Duncan, B., Ooshima, A., Yang, H.H., Diaz-Meyer, N., Gere, S., Kageyama, SI., Fukuoka, J., Nagata, T., Tsukada, K., Dunn, B.K., Wakefield, L.M., Lee, M.P.
Identification of novel gene amplification in breast cancer and coexistence of gene amplification with an activating mutation of PIK3CA.
Cancer Res. 69: 7357-7365, 2009
Kadota, M., Yang, H.H., Hu, N., Wang, C., Hu, Y., Taylor, P.R., Buetow, K.H., Lee, M.P.
Allele-specific chromatin immunoprecipitation studies show genetic influence on chromatin state in human genome.
PLoS Genet. 3, 0768-0778, 2007
Kadota, M., Nishigaki, R., Wang, C.C., Toda, T., Shirayoshi, Y., Inoue, T., Gojobori, T., Ikeo, K., Rogers, M.S., Oshimura, M.
Proteomic signatures and aberrations of mouse embryonic stem cells containing a single human chromosome in neuronal differentiation: an in vitro model of Down syndrome.
Neuroscience 129: 325-335, 2004
Torisu, H., Yamamoto, T., Fujiwaki, T., Kadota, M., Oshimura, M., Kurosawa, K., Akaboshi, S., Oka, A.
Girl with monosomy 1p36 and Angelman syndrome due to unbalanced der(1) transmission of maternal translocation t(1; 15)(p36.3;q13.1).
Am. J. Med. Genet. 131A (1): 94-98, 2004
Wang, C.C., Kadota, M. (equal first author), Nishigaki, R., Kazuki, Y., Shirayoshi, Y., Rogers, M.S., Gojobori, T., Ikeo, K., Oshimura, M.
Molecular hierarchy in neurons differentiated from mouse ES cells containing a single human chromosome 21.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 314: 335-350, 2004
Fujii, S., Luo, R.Z., Yuan, J., Kadota, M., Oshimura, M., Dent, S.R., Kondo, Y., Issa, J.P., Bast, R.C. Jr., Yu, Y.
Reactivation of the silenced and imprinted alleles of ARHI is associated with increased histone H3 acetylation and decreased histone H3 lysine 9 methylation.
Hum. Mol. Genet. 12: 1791-1800, 2003
Yuan, J., Luo, R.Z., Fujii, S., Wang, L., Hu, W., Andreeff, M., Pan, Y., Kadota, M., Oshimura, M., Sahin, A.A., Issa, J.P., Bast, R.C. Jr., Yu, Y.
Aberrant methylation and silencing of ARHI, an imprinted tumor suppressor gene in which the function is lost in breast cancers.
Cancer Res. 63: 4174-4180, 2003
Kadota, M., Shirayoshi, Y., Oshimura, M.
Elevated apoptosis in pre-mature neurons differentiated from mouse ES cells containing a single human chromosome 21.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 299: 599-605, 2002
Inoue, J., Mitsuya, K., Maegawa, S., Kugoh, H., Kadota, M., Shinohara, T., Nishihara, S., Takehara, S., Yamauchi, K., Schulz, T.C., Oshimura, M.
Construction of 700 human/mouse A9 monochromosomal hybrids and analysis of imprinted genes on human chromosome 6.
J. Hum. Genet. 46: 137-145, 2001

  Review papers
Murakami, K., Nishigaki, R., Kazuki, Y., Kadota, M., Oshimura, M.
Proteomics and epigenetics learned from Down syndrome model mouse.
Seikagaku 76: 1296-1304, 2004
Yu, Y., Fujii, S., Yuan, J., Luo, R.Z., Wang, L., Bao, J., Kadota, M., Oshimura, M., Dent, S.R., Issa, J.P., Bast, R.C. Jr.
Epigenetic regulation of ARHI in breast and ovarian cancer cells.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 983: 268-277, 2003
Yoshino, K., Kamijo, M., Kimura, M., Mishima, Y., Kondoh, H., Kadota, M., Ito, S., Wakamatsu, K., Kakihana, H.
A further mechanism study of boron accumulation to and release from melanoma with para-Boronophenylalanine.
Frontiers in Neutron Capture Therapy, vol 2, 985-990, 2001

  Other papers and technical documents
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米子医学雑誌, 1996, 475/6  pp 296-304

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